Jewelry can also be matched like this! There are many more you don't know!

Recently, Jia Jingwen gave birth to her second-born daughter, who is also a senior mother. However, compared with Xu Ruoxuan and Fan Yuqi's needles and bed rest, Jia Jingwen has relaxed a lot, and she just gave birth to a second child, and her appearance has not changed. Why do other people give birth to the second baby and still be such a girl, the secret behind is to wear pair of jewelry, eat the moon meal!


Home Jewelry: Pearl, Moonstone, Agate, Jade

With moon meal: grain soy milk


During pregnancy, pregnant women may affect the skin and produce pigmentation due to endocrine disorders.

Wearing pearls or taking pearl powder can effectively reduce the spots;

Wearing moonstone can improve skin texture;

Massage the face with agate and jade to remove deep dirt and let your skin look back soon.

In addition to wearing these gems, drinking a cup of soy milk before breakfast every day is also good for the skin, but also blood and qi, a multiplier.


Home Jewelry: Aquamarine, Malachite, Red Coral

With moon meal: yellow bean pig foot soup


Just after the production, pregnant women will inevitably have hemorrhoids, but do not need to worry too much, slowly nursed back will disappear.

Wear aquamarine every day, take it off every night before going to bed, and put the water washed aquamarine on the bed to replenish the skin.

Malachite powder and coral massage are also very effective.

Soybean pigs have a good ankle and are good for the recovery of pregnant women's skin.


Home Jewelry: Green Tourmaline, Citrine, Lapis

With the moon meal: squid squid


Postpartum obesity, mainly due to the weak digestive system of pregnant women, can not decompose and absorb the nutrients, resulting in the accumulation of fat.

Wearing green tourmaline also relieves mood and reduces mental stress;

Wearing citrine and lapis lazuli can treat digestive problems in the intestines and stomach, respectively.

Stretch marks

Home Jewelry: Sapphire, Red Stone, Titanium

With moon meal: grapefruit apple juice


The anti-wrinkle effect of sapphire is very prominent;

The titanium element in the titanium crystal has a lifting and compacting function.

Wearing these two kinds of jewelry can greatly help to fade the stretch marks, grapefruit apple juice can care the body skin, promote blood circulation and metabolism.


Home Jewelry: Red Tourmaline, Garnet, South Red Agate

With moon meal: red dates glutinous rice porridge, kelp fried shrimp


Garnet is very helpful for tonifying blood;

South red can warm the body, can play a role in blood.

Pregnant women eat more kelp can supplement iodine, red dates porridge is a good way to supplement blood, moderate consumption of shrimp, sea fish can supplement hemoglobin and astaxanthin, help blood.

Natural Emerald

Natural Emerald,Loose Natural Emerald,Natural Emerald Stone,Natural Emerald Gemstone

Guangzhou Forever Star Jewelry Limited Company ,