What skirt with a shirt look nice orange shirt with black skirt suitable? Pale blue skirt with white chiffon shirt

Skirt is an artifact of things, not only for each girl, but whether it is elegant, casual or sweet and other styles it can handle very perfect. Let's take a look at what skirts with skirts look good, it is how to interpret fashion!


Black A word skirt style is very simple, but without losing the fashion sense, for the legs and body shape to want to show is a good choice. In the choice of jacket can make the color has a sharp contrast effect, warm sunshine orange shirt, very sweet, rich in sleeves in the design of the lotus leaf level, so that this shirt is very unique, with a retro Accessories let this body with a lot of color, very suitable for light cooked crush wear.

半身裙搭配什么上衣好看 橘红色衬衫搭配黑色短裙合适吗?宝蓝色半身裙搭配白色雪纺衫

This navy blue skirt adds a touch of sophistication. With chiffon printed chiffon shirt, loose style enough significant thin possession of meat, a pair of high heels to show slender figure, high waist skirt with which to make your waistline is extremely graceful.

Picture source: Perthman Women


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