Giving a jade gift must know the meaning of the representative

Over the years, Peiyu has gradually become a jewelry fashion, and many guests are very fond of it. In Yupei, Chinese traditional patterns such as characters, beasts, flowers, birds, artifacts and some auspicious characters are often used. The theme of folk slang, Ji language and God story is through metaphor, comparison, pun, symbol and homophony. The technique, which constitutes the "one sentence of a Chinese language" pattern, reflects people's pursuit of a better life and yearning, fully embodies the essence of jade culture. The traditional Chinese motifs in Yupei are rich in content and diverse in form. They are generally auspicious, longevity and multi-blessed, home and prosperous, Anping Pinghe, career Tengda and evil-eliminating disaster-reliefs.

The baby can send a small jade lock on the full moon;

The old man’s birthday can be given a jade card with a pattern of “Helu Tongchun” or “Songhe Yannian”, or a pair of jade bracelets (female), or a pair of jade fitness balls (male);

The joy of promotion, send a "Fu Lu Shou Xi" pattern jade card or a big belly Maitreya;

Moved to the joy of the house, send a decorative jade, or a jade statue;

Lovers will be given a jade buckle and will be united with each other;

On the list of college entrance examinations, send a small "Lianzhong Sanyuan" jade piece, and wish him success in his future studies;

Friends and relatives are in a difficult situation, and they are disheartened. I will buy a jade card with a persimmon and a wishful pattern. I wish it out of the predicament and can do everything well;

Thanks to the economic conditions and the preciousness of the gifts, you can choose between small pieces of jade jewelry and decorative crafts. You can choose both practical jade and fitness jade. This depends on the male or female. It is always young, heart and preference, and the situation is reasonable.

1, good luck

Reflect people's pursuit and wishes for a happy life. In the jade pattern, it is mainly expressed by dragon, phoenix, auspicious cloud, ganoderma lucidum, and wishful. This type of jade is generally suitable for all kinds of guests.

Longfeng Chengxiang Yilong Yifeng and Xiangyun. The dragon represents the totem tribe of the scaly animal, and the phoenix represents the totem tribe of the bird. The conflict between the two tribes, Longsheng, and the merger of the phoenix, from then on, the world is peaceful, the harvest of the grain, is also a noble and auspicious performance. Xiangyun represents a good omen and expresses good wishes for the future. Modernity compares the joy of marriage to "the dragon and the phoenix", indicating that the couple is happy.

Nafu Yingxiang boy caught the bat. Acceptance, income, acceptance. The Hongfu auspiciousness has come one after another.

The cloud cloud is composed of moiré and bats. If the shape of the cloud pattern is satisfactory, it will continue to be long-lasting, meaning "long-lasting"; "bat" means "blessing." Symbolizes happiness, wishfulness or happiness is boundless.

Hi, two magpies fell on the plum branch. In traditional Chinese customs, magpies are considered to be a lucky bird of good news. "Brow" is the same as "Mei". Hi, standing in the tip of the plum, said that the magpies, a pair of double happiness. It means that people are good things, and they are happy.

Fushou Ruyi Bat, Small Animal and Ganoderma Lucidum. The bat is a blessing; the small animal is a beast, and the sound is the same as the "shou", which is the meaning of life; the ganoderma lucidum is the same as the ancient times, reflecting the satisfaction of the heart. Express happiness, longevity, and everything.

Must be like brush, silver ingot, wishful. The "pen" harmonic "must" sound, the "ingot" sound, the disturbance is the "must be sure", the sound must be like a wish.

Sanyang Kaitai Sanbao sheep. Yangyang Tongyue is auspicious, and "Sanyang" is a "three-yang". The meaning of Kaitai is to open, indicating that good luck is required. Implied evil, good luck and good luck.

2, longevity and more blessings

In the jade pattern, it is mainly expressed by Shouxing, Shoutao, turtles, pines, and cranes that represent longevity. Express people's expectations and wishes for longevity. Wearing the crowd is mainly for middle and old people.

Samsung Gaozhao Samsung is the legendary Fuxing, Shouxing and Luxing. They specialize in human suffering, bureaucracy, and longevity. In the pattern is often composed of birthday stars, deer and bats holding peaches. Symbolizes happiness, wealth, and longevity.

Crane deer with spring tung tree, deer, crane. The tung tree is the phoenix tree, and the "Tung" is the same as the "same". In the same spring, it is as vibrant as spring. Cranes and deer are all beasts, metaphors, and longevity. That is to say, I wish you longevity and eternal youth.

Turtle crane Qiling turtle, crane, Jiyun. According to legend, turtles and cranes have a thousand years of life, meaning high life. Similar patterns such as Songhe Yannian.

Fushou gourd and a squirrel or other animal above. “Hulu” means “Fu” and “Lu”; animals are beasts, meaning “shou”. Express the meaning of Fu, Lu and Shouquan. In addition, Fu Lushou can also be represented by mammals such as bats, sika deer and squirrels.

Fushou Shuangquan has one bat, two shou peaches and two ancient coins. The bat holds two ancient coins and comes with Xiangyun. The pattern expresses happiness and longevity in the form of homophonic and symbolic means, that is, the blessing falls from heaven.

Fu has one or two bats in front of an ancient money. The bat means "blessing"; there are eyes in the middle of the ancient money, "money" and "front" agree, "eye money" means "in front of the eyes", plus bats, indicating that the blessing is coming.

Wufu holds three bats around the middle of a birthday word or a birthday peach. The meaning of the Five Fortunes; one day life, two days of blessing, three days of Corning, four days of good morality, five days of final test. That is, one seeks long-lived life, the second seeks glory and wealth, the third seeks auspicious peace, the fourth seeks good deeds, and the five seeks old and good. Wufu is the most comprehensive understanding of the word "Fu". Once you have the "Five Fortunes", it is naturally "Life is better than happiness"!

3, home and thriving

Expressed the hope that husband and wife and families will thrive. The jade pattern is mainly expressed by 鸳鸯, 蒂连, white-headed bird, fish, lotus leaf and so on. The jade of this kind of pattern is often given as a gift for wedding and celebration, or to express the love of the husband, the family and everything.

Heheyi box, lotus, and ganoderma lucidum. Box, the word "harmony and two holy", Ganoderma lucidum Yu Ruyi. It means that people are harmonious and things are prosperous and prosperous. Box, lotus and combination, and homonym, more than a couple of husband and wife, fish and water. The harmony of the meaning of the couple and the sorrows are infinite.

The four mascots of Helianhua, Box, Lily and Evergreen are combined into a pattern. Congratulations to the newlyweds and the United States and the United States, a hundred years old.

White-headed white-headed bird and peony. The Chinese folks compare the white-headed bird to the love of the husband and wife, and the white-headed old man; the peony flower, which is a rich flower, is a precious symbol. The pattern not only expresses the love of husband and wife for a hundred years, but also a symbol of precious life.

There are more lotus leaves, lotus roots and squid every year. The lotus is for the year, and the fingers are broken and connected, and the year is constant; the fish is the rest. Refers to the food and clothing. It means that there is more than enough for abundance and prosperity.

4, Anping Pinghe class

It represents people's yearning for a stable and peaceful life in modern society. The jade pattern represented by the representative is mainly expressed by Aquarius and Ruyi. For those who work or work all the year round, and who are wandering in their lives, they should rely on their family's wish for peace.

Peaceful and safe, a vase and two dragonflies. The bottle is flat, and the "鹌" is "An", which is a sound. I wish you all the best.

Rich and safe, a peony flower is inserted in the vase. Peony is the king of flowers, indicating honor and wealth. The vase is safe.

Bamboo newspapers are safe firecrackers or bamboo and bamboo. The sound of firecrackers bursting, called "firecracker", used to explode the mountain ghosts with the sound of firecrackers. It means to drive away evil and pray for peace.

5, career Tengda class

It symbolizes people's yearning and wish for this person's achievements and career prospects. The representative jade pattern is mainly expressed by lychee, longan, walnut, squid, bamboo and so on. The wearer pays more attention to the achievement of personal achievement and self-worth.

Even the ternary lychee, longan, walnut, and fruit are round. "Circle" is the same as "Yuan", which means "continuous Chinese yuan". It means to win the first place in the old-time civil examination, the township test, the test, and the palace test.

The squid jumping dragon gate legend squid jumps through the dragon gate to become a dragon. The index finger became famous.

The champion and the first-placed boy are armed with a ride on the dragon. The crown is the same as the official. The boy wears the champion and the imperial examination succeeds. Riding a dragon, like a squid leaping to the dragon door, became a dragon, out of the head. The meaning test is high and tops the list.

The seal-hanging monkey climbed on the maple tree and put a seal on it. The "Maple" character of Maple is connected with the "Feng" sound, which is the same as the award: "Monkey" and "Hou" are the same voice, and the official position; It means the career of Tengda, the meaning of the official ranks, reflecting the success of the cause.

The high section is expressed in bamboo. It means continuous improvement and improvement.

6, evil spirits and disaster relief

It means that people hope that under the protection of certain gods, life will be smooth, career will be good, health will be good, and all things will be good. The representative jade pattern is represented by Guanyin, Buddha, Zhong Rong, Guan Gong, Zhang Fei and so on.

In the folks, there is a saying that "Men wears Guanyin women wearing Buddha", mainly to pray for Guanyin and Buddha's blessing to people's body, life and work. When people are sick, they will wear jade, such as Zhong Rong, Guan Gong, Zhang Fei, etc., and hope to expel the disease as soon as possible, so that the body can recover and give a comfort to the spirit.

The traditional Chinese patterns in Yu Pei are diverse and meaningful, and there are countless. It enriches the rich connotation of Chinese jade culture and is a dazzling wonder in the Chinese traditional culture garden. Different from other jewellery, Yupei is more concerned with people's spiritual feelings while decorating people. It has become a visual material expression form for people's spiritual support. In the modernity that emphasizes individuality and spiritual feelings, wearing jade with rich oriental cultural connotations will better reflect its own personality, taste and national temperament.

Seeking for blessing (rich):

1. Bat, because it is homophonic with "Blessing" and "Fully", although it is not as long-looking as it is, but after being fully beautified, it is used as a symbol of good fortune, rich pattern. "Bat and lotus" ".

2. The bergamot is a traditional carrier of good fortune. This is probably the blessing of the Buddha. The Buddha, the peach, the garnet consists of Fushou Sanduo.

3. Fish, harmonics.

4. Yu Ruyi, meaning that all prayers and hopes can be tasted as expected, lily, persimmon, wishfulness to form "Pepsi".

5. Cabbage, homophonic "hundred wealth".

6. Peony, meaning rich, also known as rich flowers.

7. Ancient money, indicating wealth.

8. Treasures, is auspicious patterns made up of eight kinds of treasures, refers to jewelry, ancient money, Fang Sheng, Yu Xin, rhino horn, silver ingot, coral, Ruyi.

Another Buddhist eight treasures: Falu, XX, Bao umbrella, Baogai, Lotus, Aquarius, Pisces, Pan length;

Xianjia Babao: gourd, sword, fan, flute, yin and yang board, flower blue, fishing drum, lotus.

9. Dahlia, Li and "Lee" homonym, symbolizing the wealth of Geely.

10. Hulu: Reed and "Lu" homophonic, there are plus officials to enter the Jue, enjoy the meaning of 俸.

11. Tangerine, chestnut, orange and "Ji", chestnut and ''li" sound similar, symbolizing good luck, everything is auspicious.

12. "Fu" and "Fu"


1. Cypress: Evergreen Evergreen symbolizes longevity.

2. Crane: It is said that it has a life span of thousands of years.

3. Ganoderma lucidum; the longevity of human food is 100 years old.

4. Xiantao: The longevity of human food is not old, symbolizing the longevity of Wanshou and prolonging life.

5. Turtle: turtle age and longevity.

6. Immortal: Myths and folklore in the immortal immortal, such as the Eight Immortals, Ma Gu.

7. Old Shouxing; In the era of Corning, people used the old birthday as a symbol and blessing. He is not only a blessing between friends and family, but also a wish and a song for a better life.

8. Long life lock: symbolizes longevity

9. "Shou" word: a variety of fonts, such as long strips called longevity, round called round life.


1. Magpie: It is a sign of a happy event. If you are beaming, it is a pattern that likes to live in plum branches. Magpies and deer are represented as "joy maps".

2. Deer: homophonic "le", such as plum blossom with double deer called "brow open double music"

3. Pomegranate: The open pomegranate is called "happy smile", another meaning is multi-child

4. Spider: Also known as the spider

5.獾: homophonic "happiness"

6. Hulu: meaning many children

7. Grapes: meaning many children

8. Sailing: the meaning is smooth

9. Boy: meaning multi-child and festive

10. Rui Abe beasts: such as dragon, phoenix, unicorn. Their appearance is a symbol of the world's peace. Such as dragon and phoenix Chengxiang, dragon and phoenix dance, two dragon play beads, etc.

11. Hey, and Tilian, flowers in pairs, birds in pairs: a happy marriage

12. The genus of the zodiac

13. "Hi" word: such as Double Happiness

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